Mission and Vision
Key characteristics of a Boys & Girls ClubMission
To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens.
We envision a future in which the Boys & Girls Club Movement is a catalyst for an age in which success is within reach of every child, and whole generations of children are inspired to a level of civic engagement not seen since the founding of our nation.
Core Promise
Our promise to North Carolina youth: to provide a safe, positive place and have a significant impact on their lives.
Our promise to the nation: to uphold high ethical standards in all areas, especially in overseeing our finances, reporting data on membership and community outreach, being good stewards of the donor dollar and representing ourselves to the public.
What Makes Us Unique

Boys & Girls Club Alumni
From Academy Award-winning Denzel Washington to the National Youth of the Year winners, Boys & Girls Club alumni across the world know that great futures started within their Club’s walls. Boys & Girls Clubs have been molding and influencing youth since 1860. Read about some of these well-known alumni who were influenced by their hometown Boys & Girls Club.
Four key characteristics define the essence of a Boys & Girls Club. All are critical in exerting positive impact on the life of a child.
Dedicated Youth Facility
The Boys & Girls Club is a place – an actual neighborhood-based building – designed solely for youth programs and activities.
Open Daily
The Club is open every day, after school and on weekends, when kids have free time and need positive, productive outlets.
Professional Staff
Every Club has full-time, trained youth development professionals, providing positive role models and mentors. Volunteers provide key supplementary support.
Available/Affordable to All Youth
Clubs reach out to kids who cannot afford, or may lack access to, other community programs. Dues are low, averaging $5 to $10 per year.