Who We Are
Our MISSION is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. We are champions for the children of North Carolina and their needs.
NC Alliance
Our NC Alliance has played a vital role in helping Clubs all across the state to work together as one entity. In addition to raising funds in support of local Clubs, the Alliance promotes and strengthens relations with public and private agencies. The Alliance brings Clubs together to capitalize on their collective strengths in numbers, programs, and locations. As a result of the work of the Alliance, Boys & Girls Clubs organizations in North Carolina have been able to leverage their strengths with state legislators and agencies for financial support.
NC Area Council
The North Carolina Area Council is part of an important and powerful force in the Boys & Girls Club Movement. The Council provides the chief medium for securing and maintaining the interest and active participation of board volunteers in national and regional Boys & Girls Club affairs. The Area Council is frequently the channel through which ideas, suggestions, and proposals flow to the National Council. Conversely, our Area Council is often called upon to implement the programs and initiatives needed to expand the philosophy and aims of Clubs nationwide.
Find A Club
The Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs serves youth from across the state of North Carolina.